Marco Island Center for the Arts

Marco Island Center for the Arts
Board: Believe in and be an active advocate and ambassador for the values, mission and vision of the Art Center. Attend at least 80% of Board and committee meetings. Prepare for these meetings by reviewing materials and bringing the materials to meetings. Help support the charitable contributions process of the organization. c. Participate in fund development by taking on various tasks tailored to your comfort and skills.
Marco Island Center for the Arts and Art Center Theatre is always looking for new volunteers! We have several opportunities for volunteering at the Art Center including greeters and wine servers at our 2nd Tuesday Receptions and Musical Interludes. We have office/administration needs at different times, and special events like Gala and Golf Tournaments annually. We also have the Art Center Theatre with the need for ushers and check-in at the front of the house and backstage help with some of the shows.
If you're interested in learning more or applying for this opportunity, please contact us at

Additional Info
Special Interest Area : Education, Arts & Culture
Position : Board Members and committee members, Greeters, wine servers, office/administration volunteers, gala/golf torunament volunteers, ushers, front desk, backtage help