Leadership Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Volunteer Opportunities
Here are the available opportunities for our Matching Needs program. If any alumni are interested, it will be his or her responsibility to reach out to the contact provided.
Please contact the Matching Needs Administrator, with any additional questions.
Posting this does not guarantee the LCF will promote or fill your role. Each opportunity will be reviewed to see if it falls within our mission.
Our Volunteer Matchmaking services are for LCF Alumni ONLY. If you are not an alumnus but are interested in one of these opportunities, please reach out to the organization directly.
Seeking: Board Members, committee members, Greeters, wine servers, office/administration volunteers, gala/golf torunament volunteers, ushers, front desk, and backtage help
Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce
Seeking: committee members, mentors for our Y reads program, event committee members, volunteers, and a volunteer coordinator.
Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce
Seeking: Board of Directors, Gala Volunteers, Trees and Teas Volunteers, Special Events, Ushers, Costume Shop and Scene Shop Volunteers, On Stage Actors, Backstage Crew Positions
Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce
Lawyers with practice experience sought as veteran clinical program and moot court mentors / judges; potential for adjunct teaching positions
Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce